A Florida lieutenant was arrested on charges of grand theft of a controlled substance on August 26, 2016. Lt. Jason Bender of Seminole County Sheriff’s Office was accused of knowingly obtaining and using controlled substances belonging to the Office, with intent to appropriate the controlled substances to his own use.

Unfortunately, these incidents are becoming more and more common. This particular case however, shows how serious the issue is becoming as it involves a higher-ranking official within the department. The biggest takeaway from the arrest is that everyone handling or accessing narcotics within an organization must be monitored. Agencies must begin implementing strategies that hold personnel in their organizations accountable, low and high-ranking officials alike.

While there is no fool-proof strategy to prevent drug diversion, the worst thing an agency can do is be reactive. By taking a reactive stance, agencies risk the consequences associated with internal narcotics theft such as fines, investigations, civil liability, and loss of license. There are many systems out there that can help combat drug diversion; it’s just a matter of finding the one that works best for your agency.

To learn about possible solutions for your agency, click here.


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